Citrus Pound Cake and Yellow Daffodils

Don't you feel that spring is just around the corner? There's even a little green grass sprouting up in our backyard! How's it been where you live?


Anonymous said...

Here in NYC, I've seen snowdrops pop up at a botanical garden & nature preserve. Until more things are in bloom, greenhouses are great places to visit (are there near you?). I also like spotting remnants of last year's glories (how do they manage to survive winters??) -

(I discovered your blog just recently and have been enjoy it very much!)

Honora said...

Thanks, Elena! I hear you guys in NYC have had such a rough winter, too (my parents live there.) I live right next to a glorious community garden and am excited to see little green sprouts peaking out! Your photo tryptich is just lovely, btw...