A couple of weeks ago my husband went on a ski trip in the remote mountains of British Columbia.  He and a group of guys stayed in two cabins that can only be reached by helicopter!  Some of their pictures take my breath away.

Photos by Harris Jordan, one of the skiers.


Katie*Belle said...

My goodness, these photographs are absolutely stunning. What an experience that must have been for your husband. I can only imagine!

k said...

those are AMAZING. can I share them on my blog??

k said...

i meant the snowy mountain ones, oops :)

Honora said...

Hi Krystal. Glad you like them. And yes, you can definitely share them on your blog with attribution. Thanks for your comments!

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

hi honora, i've just come over from krystals blog after seeing these epic images! i'm from Vancouver and anything to do with BC is an immediate knee jerk reaction of joy to me.

sounds like that helicopter ride would have been incredible, never had the experience but one day would love to fly the skies that way.

lovely space, i'm enjoying looking around. ♥